ID: 424461


Every Last Penny


Go to the [ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing] and find the [<S>122260|Treasure Chests] so the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] can get their stolen treasure back.

Before we can retake the [ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing] there's a big problem we need to solve, and that's the issue of finances!

Whether it's hiring fighters, gathering supplies or buying weapons, we'll need a lot of money!

Although both groups refer to themselves as pirates, there's a big difference between us and those murderous, marauding freshwater sailors who work for the Franko Pirates. We

[SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates]

only pursue honest trade. Aside from which, it's already rumored that there's a

[SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirate]

bastion in the [ZONE_BLACK_NEST_FLATLAND|Black Nest Lowlands]. That's why there are ever fewer travelers, which leads to fewer people who come to us looking to trade. That in turn means there's less money. I don't need to tell you what will happen if the money runs out.

There are still a number of [<S>122260|Treasure Chests] in the [ZONE_BRIMSTONE_CAMP|Camp of Cleansing] where our fortunes are stored. [122859|'Anger Boots' Johnny] and I have decided that we need to have that money back! Comrade, I hope that you understand the seriousness of the situation. It would be great if you could help us out again.

Aaah, comrade! Thank you!

The camp doesn't have any income at the moment, so this treasure is a great boon. But of course if you were prepared to make a few more trips, we'd be able to put together an army that much sooner.

But don't think too much about it. We needn't have any qualms about those marauding, pillaging

[SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]

. It's entirely just that we demand our rightful property back from them.

Ah, could there be a better way?

Or is this really the only path available to us?


XP: 0Honor: 0TP: 0Gold: 0
repgroup1: 0rep1: 0repgroup2: 0rep2: 0
cointype: 0coin: 0
choice1: 1*(0)item1: 150*Public Event Points(545752)spell1: (0)
choice2: 1*(0)item2: 1*(0)spell2: (0)
choice3: 1*(0)item3: 1*(0)spell3: (0)
choice4: 1*(0)item4: 1*(0)spell4: (0)
choice5: 1*(0)item5: 1*(0)spell5: (0)


Level(low/high): 88(86/96)Loop: 1Prequest: (0)
check1: 1*Here and No Further(421640)
check2: 1*(0)
check3: 1*(0)
check4: 1*(0)
check5: 1*(0)


item1: Get 10*Treasure Chest(201559)kill1: 1*(0)
item2: 1*(0)kill2: 1*(0)
item3: 1*(0)kill3: 1*(0)
item4: 1*(0)kill4: 1*(0)
item5: 1*(0)kill5: 1*(0)
item6: 1*(0)
item7: 1*(0)money: 0
item8: 1*(0)timer: 0
item9: 1*(0)cointype: 0
item10: 1*(0)coin: 0


accept_item1: 1*(0)
accept_item2: 1*(0)
accept_item3: 1*(0)
accept_item4: 1*(0)
accept_item5: 1*(0)


Showquest: (0)


deleteitem1: 0*(0)
deleteitem2: 0*(0)
deleteitem3: 0*(0)
deleteitem4: 0*(0)
deleteitem5: 0*(0)


clickitem1: Treasure Chest(122260)procrate1: 100%getitem1: 1*Treasure Chest(201559)
clickitem2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
clickitem3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
clickitem4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
clickitem5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
clickitem6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
clickitem7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
clickitem8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
clickitem9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
clickitem10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)
kill1: (0)procrate1: 100%getitem1: 1*(0)
kill2: (0)procrate2: 100%getitem2: 1*(0)
kill3: (0)procrate3: 100%getitem3: 1*(0)
kill4: (0)procrate4: 100%getitem4: 1*(0)
kill5: (0)procrate5: 100%getitem5: 1*(0)
kill6: (0)procrate6: 100%getitem6: 1*(0)
kill7: (0)procrate7: 100%getitem7: 1*(0)
kill8: (0)procrate8: 100%getitem8: 1*(0)
kill9: (0)procrate9: 100%getitem9: 1*(0)
kill10: (0)procrate10: 100%getitem10: 1*(0)


starter1: Mark Alaine(122792)taker: (0)questlink1: Treasure Chest(122260)
starter2: (0)tag: z29-SaliocaBasin(137)questlink2: (0)
starter3: (0)catalog: Salioca Basin(251)questlink3: (0)
starter4: (0)team: 1questlink4: (0)
starter5: (0)type: 0; questlink5: (0)
questgroup: 3; grouplv: 0; controltype: 0;







