result count: 3

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
491651575707Grace of Life

Increases your and your party members' [SC_SKILLTIPS_HP|Maximum HP] by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_HP|Maximum HP] + (Buff0-0)) x (Buff4-0)% + (Buff0-0), and also increases your and your party members' [SC_SKILLTIPS_MP|Maximum MP] by (current [SC_SKILLTIPS_MP|Maximum MP] + (Buff0-0)) x (Buff4-0)% + (Buff0-0) for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
00: Enhanced Grace of Life 502033
4: 507228
AttackDistance: 50
RangeType: good_member(2)
>EffectRange: 300
>effectcount: 12
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0
492355575707Enhanced Grace of Life

Your Grace of Life also increases the maximum MP.
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
0AttackDistance: 1
RangeType: target(0)
494124575707Shining Vitality

Increases the pet master's maximum health by (Buff0-0)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
210: Shining Vitality 504431
AttackDistance: 100
RangeType: target(0)