result count: 2

guidiconnamecasttimecd group,magicinfo
491211574285Shock Potion

Prevents the surrounding enemies from performing any action for (Buff0-Time) seconds. Affected targets have a chance of independently regaining normal status again, and this effect will be cancelled if the target is attacked.
cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
300: Shock bullet. 501632
AttackDistance: 100
RangeType: bad_range(3)
>EffectRange: 50
>effectcount: 10
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0

cast: 0
>delay: 0
hits: 1
>delay 1
00: Shock bullet. 501632
AttackDistance: 100
RangeType: bad_range(3)
>EffectRange: 50
>effectcount: 10
RangeSelect: Circle(0)
>shared: 0