result count: 1

103532 - 581376
Giant Sewer Cockroach
Nobody can look directly at it without breaking into goose bumps all over their body. The point that should be kept in mind is this: it will eat absolutely anything. That includes the rancid socks of adventurers who don't believe in putting on a fresh pair every few months... Once dropped into its mouth, not a single trace of you will be left behind.
normal (0)
Lv: 56+2
Dalanis Sewers (209)
>68, 857, -1286
>(32, 27)
Link Rune
HP: 21.840
PATK: 1.332
MATK: 1.069
PDEF: 5.003
MDEF: 5.035
PDMG: 411
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 753
tp: 903
206395 Hard Insect Wing (60%)
720101 (15%)
720142 (10%)
723983 (10%)
720011 (5%)
722159 (3.5%)
722193 (2%)
724499 (1.5%)
724500 (1%)
770785 Card - Giant Sewer Cockroach (0.1%)