result count: 1

104485 - 584270
Hardskin Yasheedee
When they hear the threatened cries of [<S>104286|Young Yasheedees], these creatures become enraged. Normally they will take all measures to avoid [<S>116392|Resonance Stones]. When attacked, however, an enraged [<S>116402|Yasheedees] will pay no heed to the [<S>116392|Resonance Stones] and directly charge their foes.
Elite (2)
Lv: 60+0
Link Rune
HP: 68.268
PATK: 7.105
MATK: 2.996
PDEF: 13.661
MDEF: 14.840
PDMG: 1.920
Respawn: 00:00:00
xp: 1.295
tp: 2.331