result count: 3

107968 - 803997
Boss (3)
Lv: 90+0
The Pillars of Morfan (Hard) (160)
>-1753, 3731, 402
>(19, 50)
Blend Rune
HP: 228.838.932
PATK: 382.431
MATK: 44.970
PDEF: 905.316
MDEF: 898.018
PDMG: 95.046
Respawn: 166:40:00
xp: 39.086
tp: 1.172.592
720867 (200%)
720866 (200%)
726082 (200%)
726877 (100%)
720878 (100%)
720856 (70%)
720857 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720820 (5%)
108295 - 803997
Boss (3)
Lv: 90+0
The Pillars of Morfan (161)
>-1753, 3731, 402
>(19, 50)
Blend Rune
HP: 48.044.679
PATK: 247.417
MATK: 47.170
PDEF: 260.880
MDEF: 263.887
PDMG: 50.043
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 19.543
tp: 293.148
720872 (200%)
725433 (200%)
726877 (100%)
720878 (100%)
720856 (70%)
720857 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720820 (5%)
108296 - 803997
Boss (3)
Lv: 90+0
The Pillars of Morfan (Easy) (162)
>-1753, 3731, 402
>(19, 50)
Blend Rune
HP: 12.088.400
PATK: 111.977
MATK: 47.170
PDEF: 132.769
MDEF: 132.057
PDMG: 22.955
Respawn: 16:40:00
xp: 9.772
tp: 73.287
720877 (200%)
725310 (200%)
726877 (100%)
720878 (100%)
720856 (70%)
720857 (70%)
720143 (60%)
720820 (5%)