result count: 1

101776 - 575466
Muddy Wheezer
A variety of wild swine that has mud-colored fur. Not renowned for its bravery but the pig's fur provides good camouflage in the swampy areas they inhabit.

The inhabitants of the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] call them "wheezers" because of the distinctive wheezing sound they make when they eat.
normal (0)
Lv: 50+0
Weeping Coast (7)
>15877, 1, 15653
>(39, 82)
Link Rune
HP: 6.063
PATK: 1.059
MATK: 893
PDEF: 3.215
MDEF: 3.242
PDMG: 245
Respawn: 00:03:00
xp: 468
tp: 468
204436 Smelly Offal (30%)
720011 (5%)
720142 (5%)
722157 (3.5%)
723982 (3%)
722191 (2%)
724185 (1.5%)
724180 (1%)
720100 (1%)
770557 Card - Muddy Wheezer (0.1%)