result count: 1

107750 - 572973
Tamed Ancient Wolf
[107745|Ancient Sarlo Wolf] tamed by the Zurhidon. In order to make these ferocious primitive animals obedient, the [107694|Zurhidon Assassin] are employing cruel means.
normal (0)
Lv: 80+2
Sarlo (26)
>-19057, 764, -6469
>(49, 45)
Activate Rune
HP: 229.525
PATK: 18.041
MATK: 2.023
PDEF: 68.058
MDEF: 64.778
PDMG: 2.054
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.283
tp: 1.539
720142 (10%)
726876 (10%)
720011 (5%)
726922 (2%)
726923 (2%)
726924 (0.1%)
726925 (0.1%)
771391 Card - Tamed Ancient Wolf (0.1%)