result count: 1

105107 - 806317
Vile Architect of the Reaper
The [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] most talented Vile Architects on [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq] are to be found around the [ZONE_CLEAVERS_GRIP|Reaper's Horn]. They do their utmost to bring their organization's great works to fruition.
normal (0)
Lv: 98+0
Tasuq (34)
>-2439, 383, 956
>(27, 42)
Blend Rune
HP: 603.120
PATK: 35.963
MATK: 8.104
PDEF: 112.761
MDEF: 119.866
PDMG: 23.740
Respawn: 00:01:30
xp: 1.832
tp: 2.198
720142 (10%)
723989 (10%)
720011 (5%)
725984 (2%)
725985 (2%)
725986 (0.1%)
725987 (0.1%)
771755 Card - Vile Architect of the Reaper (0.1%)