result count: 1

109476 - 806323
He was sent by the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] to command the Devourer Soldiers on the Nebula Woods Front. [109476|Yorza] is even stronger and more savvy than the others. He knows how to overwhelm the Angren and the Jyr'na Elves in their misty hiding place. Therefore, he's also known as the Fog Eater.
Elite (2)
Lv: 100+0
Enoch (36)
>-1597, 106, 2193
>(40, 39)
Blend Rune
HP: 1.432.504
PATK: 88.565
MATK: 20.625
PDEF: 126.444
MDEF: 126.475
PDMG: 16.041
Respawn: 00:03:00
720142 (10%)
720342 (10%)
720011 (5%)
724078 (2%)
724079 (2%)
724033 (0.1%)
724034 (0.1%)
771830 Card - Yorza (0.1%)