result count: 6

Savage Lands (8)
-2969, 371, 23729
x: 40
y: 36
422588 The Precondition
422589 The Kindness of Strangers
422590 Now If You Were My Countryman...
422591 Balance of Energies
422592 Kneel Before Barrack
422593 Lake Master Prayers
422594 Fire Spirit Prayers
422595 Mother Earth's Protection
422596 The Blessing of the Wind God
422597 Kachala's Self-Doubt
422604 Petitioning the Lake Master
422626 The War Between Wind and Earth
422869 Gathering Opinions
113298Pile of Dirt Set Up by Tibabus
Savage Lands (8)
-3757, 418, 24160
x: 37
y: 34
422596 The Blessing of the Wind God
Savage Lands (8)
-4738, 464, 24096
x: 33
y: 35
422870 The Key
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3502, 1252, -9120
x: 62
y: 74
425817 A Gubod on the Road
425818 Where did Babu go?
Syrbal Pass (25)
-3663, 1190, -8056
x: 61
y: 67
425819 Mushrooms and Caterpillars
425820 Who is Babu