result count: 4

Sys101584_shortnoteDans les profondeurs de [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruines du royaume du Nain de Glace], sur une mer de lave, vit le terrible Géant de Feu. Moins puissant que le Roi de Feu, il n'en constitue pas moins un adversaire cauchemardesque pour le commun des mortels. La chaleur qui émane de lui est suffisante pour étouffer ses ennemis et la plupart des armes fondent purement et simplement au contact de sa peau. Seules les [<S>202328|Armes en Myrrhe-étain] sont véritablement efficaces contre lui... et les sorts basés sur l'élément de l'Eau, évidemment.In the depths of the [ZONE_DGN_MULGRUM_RELIC|Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom], on the sea of lava, is the gigantic Fire Giant. Although he is far less powerful than the King of the Fires, this is still a terrifying nightmare for a common person. The heat he emits almost causes people to suffocate, sucking the strength from opposing adventurers. Most weapons cannot harm him in any way because the instant a weapon hits him, it is immediately burned or turned to molten metal. It is said that only [<S>202328|Myr Tin Weapons] that are cold and hot are able to cause him harm. Of course, it is said that water spells are also effective.
Sys101584_titlenameGéant de FeuFire Giant