result count: 3

Sys104013_nameGendarme de ZaramondeZaramonde Patrolman
Sys104013_name_pluralGendarmes de ZaramondeZaramonde Patrolmen
Sys104013_shortnoteEs responsable de patrullar por [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde] y no permitir que los extranjeros creen disturbios en la zona. Suelen resolver solamente incidentes menores. Si el problema al que se enfrentan sobrepasa sus capacidades, notificarán al ejército.Responsible for patrolling [ZONE_ZARAMONDE|Zaramonde] and not letting outsiders create any disturbance in the area. Generally they only solve minor incidents. If they find that the problem is more than they can handle, they will notify the army.