result count: 3

Sys108173_nameGuargo, le taureau furieuxGuargo the Furious Bull
Sys108173_name_pluralGuargo, le taureau furieuxGuargo the Furious Bull
Sys108173_shortnoteEspérant pouvoir réaliser ses plans prétentieux, [108173|Guargo, le taureau furieux], a quitté la communauté des [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Pirates Franko]. Il tient son nom de la ténacité exceptionnelle dont il a fait preuve en dérobant, tuant et pillant sans cesse.In the hope of fulfilling his haughty plans, [108173|Guargo the Furious Bull] left the community of the [SC_PIRATE_FRANK|Franko Pirates]. He got his name thanks to his extraordinary stamina, which he also demonstrated through incessant raiding, murdering and plundering.