result count: 3

Sys108199_nameHabitante de la aldea XabuXabu Villager
Sys108199_name_pluralHabitantes de la aldea XabuXabu Villagers
Sys108199_shortnoteHabitantes de la tribu Xabu. No tienen mucha idea sobre luchar o cazar, pero son los mejores a la hora de llevar a cabo las rutinas de la ladea. Los guerreros suelen salir a cazar bestias salvajes, pero el resto se queda en la aldea y se ocupa de sus plantas.Xabu village inhabitants. They do not really know much about battle or hunting but are however extremely competent where it comes to the daily work involved in village life. Whilst the warriors are out on the hunt for wild beasts, the inhabitants tend to their plants within the village.