result count: 7

SC_108963_01¡[108962|Thallas] ha sido derrotado! Pero conmigo no lo tendréis tan fácil como con él.[108962|Thallas] has been defeated! But you won't have such an easy time with me as you did with him.
SC_108963_02¡Manantiales! ¡Rompientes! ¡Concededme vuestro poder!Water source and wave strike! Give me all your strength!
SC_108963_03¿Y esas son las habilidades que derrotaron a [108962|Thallas]?These are supposed to be the skills that defeated [108962|Thallas]?
SC_108963_04¡Ah, no! ¡Ah, no! ¡No me rendiré tan fácilmente!Oh no! I won't give up that easily!
Sys108963_titlenameEspíritu de la ola iracundaSpirit of the Raging Wave