result count: 7

LUA_109018_AI_BOSSDEAD[109018|Nex of Vortis]: Gaaaaa! No! I don't want to return to the earth!
LUA_109018_AI_BOSSFRENZY[109018|Nex of Vortis]: Gaga! I don't want to play anymore! I will eat you all!
LUA_109018_AI_BOSSWIN[109018|Nex of Vortis]: The toy is broken! Gugugu...
LUA_109018_AI_FIGHTBEGIN[109018|Nex of Vortis]: Gugagaga! New toys!
LUA_109018_AI_SANDSTORM[109018|Nex of Vortis]: Gagaga! When I hide, you won't be able to find me...
Sys109018_nameNex of Vortis