result count: 3

Sys109294_nameLibélula de TasuqTasuqian Dragonfly
Sys109294_name_pluralLibélulas de TasuqTasuqian Dragonflies
Sys109294_shortnoteUna de las criaturas endémicas de [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq]. Es posible encontrar estos hermosos seres con alas de color lila en la [ZONE_TUSKE_JUNGLE|Selva de Tasuq]. Sin embargo, conviene tener cuidado al intentar atraparlas, puesto que son bastante agresivas.One of the species native to [ZONE_TUSKE_ISLAND|Tasuq]. These beautiful creatures with their purple wings can be found in the [ZONE_TUSKE_JUNGLE|Tasuqian Boscage], but you should still be cautious when catching them, as they're very aggressive.