result count: 5

SC_112104_1I have returned with [112108|Megiddo's] gambling debt. Please tell me [101534|Lookout Luke's] story.
SC_112104_2Luke was the loyal lookout on the Black Mary. He had good eyes. He was the reason why the Blake family discovered so much treasure in the beginning. [101534|Lookout Luke's] contribution was a major factor. His ability was said to be due to the [203615|Cursed Compass] that never left his side all year round. \n\nLuke spent his whole life working for the Blake family, but his life ended miserably. When First Mate [100337|Huck] betrayed [101535|Snow Blake], Luke tried to stop him. He was injured by [100337|Huck] very badly. What made it even more tragic was that before Luke had joined the Black Sail pirates, he and [100337|Huck] had been the best of friends. Luke must have hated [100337|Huck] so much for his actions!
Sys112104_szquestnpctextEverything has its price.