result count: 6

SC_115742_0¿Un sabio del Imperio Dientemartillo?Why would a sage from the Hammertooth Empire...?
SC_115742_1(Deja entrever una expresión extraña.)\n\nNo sé a qué estáis jugando... Cof, cof... Mostrad respeto...\n\nOh, gran aventurero, nuestra Hermandad de Ailic no excluye a nadie que quiera unirse a nosotros. Todos los miembros se esfuerzan por conseguir más sabiduría, por lo que todos somos voluntarios, incluso un goblin como yo. Sin embargo, recordad que no todos los goblin son como yo, ya que yo soy la crème de la crème. Aun así, incluso a mí me resulta difícil un proyecto de investigación normal y corriente...(He reveals a strange expression.)\n\nWhat kind of game are you playing... ah... no manners...\n\nAh, adventurer, our Ailic's Community does not exclude anyone who is willing to join, each member is truly dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge therefore we are all volunteers; even a goblin like me. However, remember not all goblins are like me as I am considered to be one of the finest. But saying that, even for me the most standard research is still rather strenuous...
SC_115742_2(Transporte a las afueras de la [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor])(Transport to the outside of [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor])
Sys115742_nameReclutador de AilicAilic Recruiter
Sys115742_name_pluralReclutadores de AilicAilic Recruiters
Sys115742_szquestnpctextPara poder reclutar más aventureros que exploren las [ZONE_BYMORSH_RUINS|Ruinas de Bymorsh], la Hermandad de Ailic proporciona un servicio de transporte gratuito entre [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] y el [ZONE_RUINS_SURVEYING_CAMP|Campamento de los Exploradores de Ruinas].In order to recruit more adventurers to explore the [ZONE_BYMORSH_RUINS|Ruins of Bymorsh], Alic's Community is supplying a free transport service between [ZONE_KAIYA_VILLAGE|Kandor] and the [ZONE_RUINS_SURVEYING_CAMP|Ruin Researchers' Camp].