result count: 3

Sys116203_nameHelghar DientesangreHelghar Bloodfang
Sys116203_name_pluralHelghar DientesangreHelghar Bloodfang
Sys116203_szquestnpctextTal vez tengamos la culpa de lo que ha sucedido pero, de no ser por las dos caras de [116218|Skarbar], sabio y noble a simple vista pero con malvados planes en su corazón, la gente no se habría dejado engañar tan fácilmente.\n\nOs lo ruego, ayudadme a convencer al rey para que venga en auxilio de [115631|Limon].Perhaps we are to blame for this outcome, but if it weren't for this two-faced [116218|Skarbar]- wise and noble in appearance, but nurturing wicked plots deep within the heart- the people would not have been so easily taken in.\n\nI beg you, you must help me to convince the king to come to the aid of [115631|Limon].