result count: 3

Sys116554_nameMyan Sidat
Sys116554_name_pluralMyan Sidat
Sys116554_szquestnpctextCircus, circus... Can the people in this village not shut up about the circus?\r\n\r\nI hate the circus. Every time I see those performers I get a scary, familiar feeling.\r\n\r\nOne time I felt something familiar on one of those funny looking clowns. And that feeling I only get from my long lost brother...\r\n\r\nThe familiar feeling I got from that clown made me frightened. Even though he looked totally different from my brother, the intuition of my heart tells me, yes! That is him!\r\n\r\nI don't know how I should deal with that circus... I am afraid to face the truth. I'd rather believe my brother was living in some other land than have become one of those totally lifeless clowns with their spooky smiles.