result count: 12

SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_01I want to see recipes for carpentry weapons
SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_02I want to see recipes for blacksmithing weapons
SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_03I want to see recipes for armor
SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_04I want to see recipes for potions and food
SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_05I want to see recipes for royal furniture
SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_06I want to see recipes for high quality necklaces
SC_NPC_117248_OPTION_07How can I get [SYS_MONEY_TYPE_8|Badges of the Trial]?
SC_NPC_117248_TALKGreetings, adventurer!\n\nI have some exclusive <CN>classic recipes</CN> that I've only been able to collect through my visits to the <CR>[DIR_TAGID_648|Craft Festival]</CR> here over the years. You can only really get your hands on such recipes during this annual [DIR_TAGID_648|Craft Festival]. Although the abilities of some of the products have been superseded, the festival is an opportunity not to be missed by artisans who like collecting recipes.\n\nIf you have any <CO>[SYS_MONEY_TYPE_8|Badges of the Trial]</CO>, you can come to me to trade them for exclusive [DIR_TAGID_648|Craft Festival] recipes!\nWhat type of recipes would you like to see?
SC_NPC_117248_TALK_OPTION_07All you need to do is help <CN>[113922|Sloan Krug]</CN> to complete a quest each day by finding items to receive <CO>[SYS_MONEY_TYPE_8|Badges of the Trial]</CO>.\n\nI've also heard that you can get your hands on some by taking part in the <CP>[DIR_TAGID_609|Siege War]</CP>, but I don't know a lot about such things.
Sys117248_nameCrafting Recipe Master
Sys117248_titlenameArtificers' Guild