result count: 3

Sys123572_nameBodwin DanielsBodwin Daniels
Sys123572_szquestnpctextPoco antes de que lo hicierais vos, me acerqué al tablón de anuncios. Quería colocar un anuncio para informar a la gente de que el [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Castillo Brisal] ha obtenido refuerzos externos, para terminar con los rumores. Por desgracia olvidé los clavos, así que llevé a cabo otras tareas primero. Lo importante es que por el camino nadie me atacó. En resumen, el objetivo sois vos, no yo.I went to the bulletin board shortly before you did, wanting to pin up a notice informing people that [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle] had received reinforcements from without, and finally put an end to all those rumors. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a nail with me, so dealt with some other little jobs instead. Nevertheless, the main thing is that I wasn't attacked en route. Basically what I mean to say is that that means you're the target, not me.
Sys123572_titlenameComandante Segundo del Regimiento de los HalconesSecond-in-Command of the Falcon Regiment