result count: 4

SC_NPC_124697_OPTION_01Transporte a [109895|Resaac]Transport to the [109895|Resark]
SC_NPC_124697_OPTION_02Transporte de vuelta al [ZONE_CORE_FIELD|Área Central]Transport to [ZONE_CORE_FIELD|Core Field]
SC_NPC_124697_TALKEste es un [124697|Círculo de transporte] erigido por el grupo Misty. En función del estado del evento de descifrado podéis transportaros a diversos lugares.This is a [124697|Transport Circle] set up by the Misty group. You can use it to transport to different locations depending on the state of the Decryption Event.
Sys124697_nameCírculo de transporteTransport Circle