result count: 10

DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_01If you want to prove yourself on the Stomping Grounds, I'm the one for you!
DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_02You've got dirt on your face!\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHaha, just kidding.
DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_03The Stomping Grounds is a place where mercenaries compete against one another. Whoever takes part in a battle with up to 30 combatants, not only proves their abilities, but also receives generous rewards! The rules are simple: be the sole survivor!\n\nAll of your abilities are greatly weakened upon entering the battlefield. So you have to kill monsters and plunder chests to receive [626536|Embolden] and improve your own abilities. The battlefield shrinks at regular intervals. Special items are available on the battlefield, up to 6 of which can be equipped. These items can either be collected on the battlefield or brought along. Have a look around and buy everything you'll need before marching off to battle!\n\nYou are not forced to fight alone. But remember: if your party is victorious, you'll have to share the reward.\n\nYou can enter the Stomping Grounds via the Battlefield Queue menu located on the top-right corner of the screen. Let's go!
DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_04It looks as though the commander would really like you! The commander was once a Stomping Grounds master until he was afflicted by a terrible curse.\n\nNow everything he says comes out like he's yelling. Plus, any noises he makes are greatly amplified making it impossible to hide or perform surprise attacks. And that's not all! Now that he has such a... presence, enemies concentrate their attacks on him. This troubled him so much, that he gave up his career on the Stomping Grounds... You can tell how this affected him just by looking at him. It's such a sad story!\n\nBut don't underestimate him. Even as it is, he is a serious opponent!
DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_S01I would like to see your wares.
DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_S02What is the Stomping Grounds?
DOR_BRAWL_NPC124826_S03What happened to your commander?
Sys124826_nameSharlar Red Fox
Sys124826_titlenameStomping Grounds Supply Officer