result count: 3

Sys202981_nameFève de cacaoCocoa Bean
Sys202981_name_pluralFèves de cacaoCocoa Beans
Sys202981_shortnoteCeci éliminera toute lassitude.\n[SC_VALENTINE_ITEM1|Échangez le [203023|Chocolat d'amour] avec Adam, qui se trouve sur la [ZONE_VARANAS CENTRAL SQUARE|Place centrale] à [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] pendant le Festival des Fleurs.]This will eliminate any weariness.\n[SC_VALENTINE_ITEM1|Exchange for [203023|Love Chocolate] with Adam who can be found in [ZONE_VARANAS CENTRAL SQUARE|Central Plaza] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] during the Flower Festival.]