result count: 5

Sys420771_nameThe Secret of Venom
Sys420771_szquest_accept_detailHello, adventurer! Thank you for helping me kill those little demons. I can finally sleep easy tonight. \n\nOh yes, their tails can actually be used as medicine. Chop up the scorpion tail, mix it with the saliva of poisonous lizards, and cook it! It's really amazing stuff. You should try to collect 10 portions of [201673|Poisonous Lizard Saliva] and 10 [<S>201672|Complete Scorpion Tails] near [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|The Big Dig]. If you do, I will help you make some potions with them!
Sys420771_szquest_complete_detailYou got everything you need. I'll help you make the potions then.
Sys420771_szquest_descCollect 10 portions of [201673|Poisonous Lizard Saliva] and 10 [<S>201672|Complete Scorpion Tails] near [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|The Big Dig].
Sys420771_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou should try to collect 10 portions of [201673|Poisonous Lizard Saliva] and 10 [<S>201672|Complete Scorpion Tails] near [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|The Big Dig]. I'll help you make potions with them.