result count: 5

Sys420782_nameReason for Delay
Sys420782_szquest_accept_detailYou are an adventurer right? Please help us solve these problems.\n\nThe miners often need to get rid of numerous [<S>100441|Crystal Lizards] and [<S>100439|Poisonous Cave Scorpions] that get in the way in the mine. We are miners, not animal catchers! This has greatly delayed our progress.\n\nWe heard that adventurers, like yourself, are really good at dealing with these. We have prepared a reward if you can get rid of 10 [<S>100441|Crystal Lizards] and [<S>100439|Poisonous Cave Scorpions] each.
Sys420782_szquest_complete_detailGreat! We won't be disturbed for a while.\n\nTake this reward!
Sys420782_szquest_descHelp miner [110901|Borst] get rid of 10 [<S>100441|Crystal Lizards] and 10 [<S>100439|Poisonous Cave Scorpions] in [ZONE_THE BIG DIG|The Big Dig].
Sys420782_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou can't be here to tell me that you can't defeat those little creatures right?