result count: 7

SC_420928_0Pedidle a [101709|Kirk Melor] el equipo.(Get [101709|Kirk Melor's] equipment with him.)
SC_420928_1Ningún problema. Pondré todo su equipo aquí.\n\n¡Tened cuidado! Este equipo es muy pesado.No problem. I put all his equipment here.\n\nOh, be careful. This equipment is pretty heavy.
Sys420928_name¿La flecha envenenada de Kirk?Kirk's Poison Arrow?
Sys420928_szquest_accept_detailAunque sabemos que al [112571|Vagabundo] Zunlin le dispararon con una flecha venenosa, y que vio a dos personas... [101709|Kirk Melor] y "Serpiente Venenosa" son dos personas, y ambos estaban cerca del [ZONE_ANARO OUTPOST|Puesto fronterizo Ayal]. ¿Habrán sido ellos?\n\nPero todo esto son sólo especulaciones mías. A menos que haya Sangre de Hoja Hedionda en las flechas de [101709|Kirk Melor], no podemos estar seguros de que [101709|Kirk Melor] y "Serpiente Venenosa" sean los dos que lo atacaron.\n\nQuizás deberíamos examinar el equipo de [101709|Kirk Melor]... Vos dijisteis que su equipo lo tenía [112568|Loluka Nilo]. ¿Podríais conseguirlo? Si voy yo mismo, podría alertar a algún traidor enmascarado, ¡y no queremos que eso suceda!Although we know that [112571|Vagrant] Zunlin was shot by a poison arrow, he saw two people... [101709|Kirk Melor] and "Poisonous Snake" are two people, and they were both near the [ZONE_ANARO OUTPOST|Ayal Outpost]. Was it them?\n\nBut all of this is only my speculation. Unless there's Stinkleaf Blood on [101709|Kirk Melor's] arrows we can't be sure that [101709|Kirk Melor] and "Poisonous Snake" are the two who attacked him.\n\nPerhaps we should inspect [101709|Kirk Melor's] equipment... You said his equipment is with [112568|Loluka Nilo]. Could you go get it? If I go myself, I may alert a hidden traitor, and we don't want that!
Sys420928_szquest_complete_detailParece ser que las flechas de [101709|Kirk Melor] no han sido bañadas en veneno... En ese caso, no podemos estar seguros de que hayan sido ellos. ¡Esta pista no nos lleva a ningún sitio!It looks like [101709|Kirk Melor's] arrows weren't dipped in poison... In that case, we can't be sure that it was them. This clue isn't going to tell us anything!
Sys420928_szquest_descId al campamento de guardia al noreste del [ZONE_SMUGGLERS CAMP|Campamento de los contrabandistas] y buscad a [112568|Loluka Nilo]. Conseguid el equipo de [101709|Kirk Melor] y regresad al [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Pueblo Laguna de Barro] para informar a [112573|Biang Fenren] .Go to the guard station northeast of [ZONE_SMUGGLERS CAMP|Smuggler Camp] and find [112568|Loluka Nilo]. Get [101709|Kirk Melor's] equipment and report back to [112573|Biang Fenren] at [ZONE_BLACKMIRE|Mudpond Village].
Sys420928_szquest_uncomplete_detailDeberíamos pedirle a [112568|Loluka] el equipo de [101709|Kirk Melor] y examinarlo primero.We should get [101709|Kirk Melor's] equipment from [112568|Loluka] and inspect it first.