result count: 4

Sys421134_nameMysterious Valley Ore
Sys421134_szquest_accept_detailThis ore is very heavy. And look at its magnificent color. I really think that this ore might be something special...\n\nPerhaps someone would be interested in this. Perhaps you could sell it for a good price.
Sys421134_szquest_complete_detailThis... this color. This shine. This strength. This resilience. This weight... This is [202327|Myr Tin] ore?! No... This isn't ordinary [202327|Myr Tin] ore! This is an unknown grade of [202327|Myr Tin] ore!\n\nWhere did you get this?! I would have thought that only the Ice Dwarves would have access to such a rare type of [202327|Myr Tin]. The Ice Dwarf King himself carries weapons made of this... Right?!\n\nAnyway, that doesn't matter. I'll buy this from you at a good price. That is, if you agree to sell it...\n\nHowever, I don't have much money on me right now. I can write you a note which you could take to [ZONE_KARDAMOTH|Kadmos Trading Post]. My housekeeper will make good on it.\n\nHow about it? Will you sell the ore to me? You must!
Sys421134_szquest_descFind someone who is interested in [202329|Mysterious Ore] and try to sell it.