result count: 5

Sys421226_nameDrunken Gnolls
Sys421226_szquest_accept_detailOnly a little wine was left... It's making it hard to continue my research!\n\nSo I'll have to continue by studying the equipment and materials they used to make wine.\n\nHow about this... Can you go back to the [ZONE_MULGRUM STRONGHOLD|Ice Dwarf Garrison] again?\n\nHelp me find any leftover wine barrels or other winemaking materials the gnolls might have on them...
Sys421226_szquest_complete_detailThis is great! Thank the gods!\n\nI can continue with my research now!
Sys421226_szquest_desc[111184|Abigail Chinmer] from the Ailic Research Team wants you to try to find some leftover wine barrels or other winemaking from the drunken gnolls.
Sys421226_szquest_uncomplete_detailUm... If my wound were still so bad, I'd love to taste it.\n\n[111185|Dom Spinner], don't look at me like that... It'd just be a sip!