result count: 5

Sys421327_nameDangers of the Pass
Sys421327_szquest_accept_detailI've noticed you keep looking at the wound on my foot...I imagine that an adventurer with your experience could probably guess what happened...\n\nYes! You guessed correctly. This wound wasn't incurred while I was felling trees...this is the work of the [100865|Giant Frost Wolf] at <CP>[ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass]</CP> was my fault for focusing on my lumber and not worrying about anything else. They jumped me, and I didn't even see them coming...\n\nI still need a little time before I can finish this bowstring. If you would like to find something to occupy your time, you could help me go teach those brutes a lesson! I could even give you a reward, how's that?\n\nGood! You are an energetic fellow, aren't you? Okay, go kill 17 [<S>100865|Giant Frost Wolves] for me! That's the lesson I would like to teach them.
Sys421327_szquest_complete_detailHave you done it, youngster? It looks as if your whole body is covered in injuries...\n(You suddenly hear a blood-curdling howl from far away.)\n\! It's [100818|Olias]! He's the leader of those [<S>100865|Giant Frost Wolves]...and it sounds as if he's very angry!
Sys421327_szquest_descDefeat 17 of the [<s>100865] that have been harassing <CP>[ZONE_LOMGART PATHWAY|Lomgart Pass]</CP> for Old [111290|Madden] the Woodsman.
Sys421327_szquest_uncomplete_detail([111290|Madden] bows his head, assiduously working on the bowstring. You think it wise not to bother him, especially when you haven't finished the task he's given you...)