result count: 5

Sys421340_nameA Change in Fiergen Tundra
Sys421340_szquest_accept_detailMeow...I know these big fellows in the [ZONE_FIERGEN TUNDRA|Fiergen Tundra] have great wisdom and the capability to communicate, but I never knew that they were so ruthless. Meow... It's as if since the appearance of Rhyst, the current leader of the mammoths, they have been acting very strangely.\nActually, it's not just the [<S>100869|Mammoth Mothers]; [<S>100871|Tusked Ice Plain Mammoths] also attacked Polleck. If you want to avenge Polleck, then kill the [<S>100871|Tusked Ice Plain Mammoths], too.
Sys421340_szquest_complete_detailRhyst is probably aware of you...meow. You say you want to go? If you go now, Rhyst will just go find the other people in the area, including poor, old Bolton. Is that the right thing to do? Maybe we can come up with another way.
Sys421340_szquest_desc[111299|Meek Angelina] wants you to defeat 15 [<S>100871|Tusked Ice Plain Mammoths].
Sys421340_szquest_uncomplete_detailMeow...what, did you lose?