result count: 4

Sys422024_nameLe Temps Passe ViteTime Goes by so Fast
Sys422024_szquest_accept_detailJe ne suis plus tout jeune. Même si j'avais la vue perçante et les gestes vifs et silencieux, mon corps ne suit plus.\n\nMais ce n'est pas ça qui va m'empêcher d'être un bon chasseur... Aidez-moi à trouver [112393|Jenn Colbert] au [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Camp de la Mer de Neige]. Il a à peu près le même âge que moi et c'est également un grand chasseur. Demandez-lui son secret.I'm not young anymore, adventurer. Even though I really want to move about quicker and have keener eyesight, my body just isn't as nimble as when I was young.\n\nBut because of that I still won't turn into a bad hunter. Please help me by going to [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp] and finding [112393|Jenn Colbert]. He's about the same age as me and he's also a hunter with a great reputation. Please ask him how he does it.
Sys422024_szquest_complete_detailVous voulez savoir comment devenir un chasseur réputé ?\n\nHahaha ! Vous tombez bien !You want to know how to become a celebrated hunter?\n\nHahaha! then you've asked the right person.
Sys422024_szquest_descAllez au [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Camp de la Mer de Neige] et rencontrez [112393|Jenn Colbert]. Demandez-lui comment devenir un grand chasseur.Go to [ZONE_SNOWFIELD OUTPOST|Sea of Snow Camp] and find [112393|Jenn Colbert]. Ask him how to become a well-known hunter.