result count: 4

Sys422026_nameLas ideas de la gente jovenThe Ideas of Young People
Sys422026_szquest_accept_detailSólo se me ocurre una persona a la que podamos preguntar. Realmente no creo que [112394|Frank Culls] pueda enseñarme algo. Debe de tener la misma edad que mi hijo. Aunque no sea tan famoso como los demás, últimamente la gente habla mucho de él.\n\nId a preguntarle qué opina. [112394|Frank Culls] suele ir a cazar al [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Campamento del Valle Invernoche].I can only think of one more person we can ask. I really don't think [112394|Frank Culls] has anything to teach me and he should be about the same age as my son. Even though he isn't as well-know as some others, lately people have been talking more and more about this hunter.\n\nGo ask for his opinion. [112394|Frank Culls] usually hunts in [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Winternight Valley Camp].
Sys422026_szquest_complete_detail¿[112380|Langford Baggins] os ha pedido que vengáis a preguntarme? No tengo nada que enseñar a una persona que no practica con el ejemplo y que sólo quiere cazar presas fáciles.\n\nPara seros sincero, si [112380|Langford Baggins] no cambia de actitud, sólo llegará a ser un buen cazador en sus sueños.Are you asking on behalf of [112380|Langford Baggins]? For a person that doesn't practice what they preach and only wants to hunt the easy way, I really don't have anything to teach him.\n\nHonestly speaking, if [112380|Langford Baggins] doesn't change his mind, he can only ever be a good hunter in his dreams.
Sys422026_szquest_descId al [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Campamento del Valle Invernoche] y buscad a [112394|Frank Culls]. Id a preguntarle qué piensa.Go to [ZONE_FROSTGLOOM OUTPOST|Winternight Valley Camp] and find [112394|Frank Culls]. Ask for his opinion.