result count: 5

Sys422043_nameCountering the Energy of Wind
Sys422043_szquest_accept_detailIt would be rare for him to think of anything that is realistic and doesn't involve destroying the environment.\n\nBut...\n\nForcefully making him leave like this seems a bit ruthless.\n\nIn order to let mercenaries and travelers avoid the attacks of [<S>100443|Black Rock Scorpions], we long ago prepared a material that they can't stand. It is made by gathering natural materials and it gives off a special smell. [<S>100443|Black Rock Scorpions] naturally avoid it.\n\nUsing this material allows you to walk forward without being harmed. You might as well give it a try and then tell [112414|Famanti Sica] of the results.
Sys422043_szquest_complete_detailIs he trying to pick a fight?
Sys422043_szquest_descAfter using the [204079|Scorpion Repellent] given to you by [112415|Utofi Lela], tell [112414|Famanti Sica] of [ZONE_OBSIDIAN ORDER GARRISON|Order of Dark Glory Garrison] how well it works.
Sys422043_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I could teach more people how to use magic, mankind wouldn't have to suffer that much.