result count: 5

Sys422186_nameMalditos piratasDamned Pirates
Sys422186_szquest_accept_detailAunque no haya manera de pescar junto a los seres pez, uno tiene que seguir adelante. La mayoría de los pescadores de la [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Costa de los Lamentos] han huido, ¡pero yo no me doy por vencido! Mi padre y mi abuelo fueron pescadores toda su vida, ¡y yo haré lo mismo!\n\nPero, como veis, no tengo nada... Esos [<S>101858|Piratas feroces] que han contratado los bandidos me han robado todo. Incluso han destrozado mi barca. Sé mucho sobre la pesca, pero no me siento capaz de enfrentarme a los piratas. ¿Podríais vos echarme una mano para recuperar lo que me han robado? Se trata de una [204309|Red de pesca], una [204310|Caña de pescar], un [204311|Arpón] y una [204312|Cuerda]. Me haríais un favor enorme.Even though there is, sadly, no way to fish alongside the fish people again, one still has to live on. Most of the fishermen of the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] have left, but I will not give up so easily. My father and grandfather were fishermen for their entire lives, and I want to do as they have done.\n\nBut, as you have seen, I have nothing. Those [<S>101858|Ferocious Pirates] hired by the smugglers have stolen everything. They even smashed my boat. I'm confident as a fisherman, but I'm in no position to make a stand against pirates. So, maybe an experienced traveler like yourself could help me. They stole a [204309|Fishing Net], a [204310|Fishing Pole], a [204311|Harpoon], and a [204312|Rope] of mine. Perhaps you could get those items back for me?
Sys422186_szquest_complete_detail¿Habéis conseguido traerme todos mis objetos? ¡Os estaré eternamente agradecido!\n\nY, de paso, ¿les habéis dado una lección a esos [<S>101858|Piratas feroces]? No tendría ningún remordimiento si me dijerais que han sufrido.You brought all of my things back? I don't know how I could possibly thank you...\n\nDid you teach those [<S>101858|Ferocious Pirates] a lesson? If those fiends have been made to suffer, I don't feel a bit sorry for them.
Sys422186_szquest_descAyudad a [112621|Howey Mingstun], de la [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Costa de los Lamentos], y conseguid los objetos que los [<S>101858|Piratas feroces] de la [ZONE_FISHMOUTH COVE|Bahía Bocapez] le robaron.Help [112621|Howey Mingstun] of the [ZONE_WEEPING COAST|Weeping Coast] get his things back from the [<S>101858|Ferocious Pirates] at the [ZONE_FISHMOUTH COVE|Fishmouth Bay].
Sys422186_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Queréis que os diga por qué supuse que no formabais parte de los bandidos? Esa panda de malhechores tienen un olor característico. No entiendo cómo pueden oler tan mal, la verdad. Cierto es que los pescadores solemos oler a entrañas de pescado, pero son dos olores que no se pueden comparar.Don't you want to ask me how I knew you weren't in league with the smugglers? Well, it's because those smugglers always have a characteristic odor about them. I don't understand how they could possibly stand that kind of a stench. It's true that we fishermen often smell of fish guts, but believe me, these two smells are in no way comparable.