result count: 14

SC_422328_0[112847|Labio], Master [112846|Skasja] wants me to come.
SC_422328_1What! He wants you to come look for me? What for?
SC_422328_2Um...first, to my people, the Holy King is tantamount to a god. Whatever he says, we do.
SC_422328_3...Does he not want you to read the laws to me?
SC_422328_4Second, only the Elven queen consort can become the Archdruid and perfectly control the Elven power of nature.
SC_422328_5Please, my friend...don't do this. He doesn't want my opinions to affect you. That's why he wants you to do this.
SC_422328_6Third, there is the property of the Holy King - the holy sword, "Arclight"...
SC_422328_7Wait! Don't read the rest of it. Give the book to me...I will read it one line at a time...
SC_422328_8Requires both a [204642|Silver Ring] and a [204720|Genius Labio Number 17].
Sys422328_nameMake Him Understand the Rules
Sys422328_szquest_accept_detail(As you approach you notice [112846|Skasja] is squinting slightly)\n\nYoung Elf, you have been in contact with [112847|Labio]. The power of nature tells me so.\n\nThe wind has told me of his murmurings to you. You are too young. To be exposed to his ideas now... will distort your thinking.\n\nIn the name of the Holy King, it's about time we punished that crazy boy. \nPrincipal [112820|Kayfadeen] has asked me to handle it. I'm tired of playing games. I need your help.\n\nWhen dealing with lawless Elves, the first step is to make them understand the rules.\n\nTake the [204641|Elven Law] I'm about to give you and read the rules it contains to him, one by one.
Sys422328_szquest_complete_detailHe said to read the [204641|Elven Law] line by line... he's not coming to get me?
Sys422328_szquest_descRead the rules contained in the [204641|Elven Law] to [112847|Labio].
Sys422328_szquest_uncomplete_detailTake the [204641|Elven Law] that I gave you and read the rules in it one by one to his face.