result count: 5

Sys422329_nameNever Forget the Rules
Sys422329_szquest_accept_detailAssuming they do not respond well, the second step when dealing with lawless Elves is make them write out the rules one by one.\n\nYoung Elf, [$PLAYERNAME].\nTake this [204636|Elven Page] and give it to [112847|Labio]. Ask him to write it out, line by line. I have used my magic on it. This page will not show any writing that is done by any outside help and not by his own hand - naturally this includes his potions. \n\nBy the Holy King, you tell him this, so that he never forgets the rules again.
Sys422329_szquest_complete_detailI swear I read the rules in the [204641|Elven Law] really carefully... in the name of the Holy King...\n\nBut looking at that folded paper in your hand I can see... I haven't avoided the penance of writing lines...
Sys422329_szquest_descTake the [204636|Elven Page] to [112847|Labio] and pass on Master [112846|Skasja's] message.
Sys422329_szquest_uncomplete_detailAt the academy ... Master [112846|Skasja] is the person I'm most afraid of running into...\n\nHe can always apply the rules to any situation... including the punishment of students like me...