result count: 11

SC_422523_0The Shaman, [113288|Tibabus], says that if I was transformed to look like a Bodo, you wouldn't attack me at first sight.
SC_422523_1You even use [113288|Tibabus'] name? Then, did he tell you how to prove it?
SC_422523_3Another trickster!
SC_422523_5The shaman, [113288|Tibabus], actually...
Sys422523_szquest_accept_detailYou, my friend, are covered in a rotting smell...\n\nBefore I get to work, tell me what your purpose is. Why are you masquerading as a Bodo?
Sys422523_szquest_complete_detailYes, Shaman [113288|Tibabus] knew that, as soon as your real identity became apparent to me, I wouldn't listen to anything you said. That's why he had you do this...
Sys422523_szquest_descReturn to [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] to answer [113218|Nisha's] question.
Sys422523_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou rotten-smelling blackguard! Get out of my sight before you do something you will regret!