result count: 5

Sys422779_nameHerbalist's Thanks
Sys422779_szquest_accept_detailThank you for patiently listening to the legend of the forest fairies. While telling it, it was as if I returned to my childhood and relived a moment when my mother sat by the bedside and told stories.\n\nThe hunters in the story went to the [ZONE_CHAPARRAL QUAGMIRE|Jungle Marsh] and contracted a strange illness. I became ill after being attacked by a strange wild beast while going to the northern forest to collect medicinal herbs. There was something stuck on the beast... Yes, it was like sticky blood. It had an evil feel to it, very evil... Yes...\n\n([113636|Juneer] lowers his head and mutters to himself and, after a long time, remembers that he's with somebody)\n\nSorry, I'm too accustomed to being by myself while I gather and prescribe medicine. I often unconsciously mutter to myself.\n\nBrave adventurer, thanks to the kind-hearted fairies always giving a helping hand during our difficult times, I can get back to my work of making medicine. Please pass on my thanks to the kind-hearted...whatever ([113636|Juneer] quickly mumbles something) fairies.
Sys422779_szquest_complete_detailSomebody said thanks to [113635|Dallas]. Why? Why?\n\nAh ha! Although [113635|Dallas] doesn't know why, the Goddess once told [113635|Dallas], when this happens I should say... What was it again...\n\nAh ha! [113635|Dallas] should say: "You're welcome." That's what I should say.\n\n([113635|Dallas] bows very seriously.)
Sys422779_szquest_descPass on [113636|Juneer's] thanks to [113635|Dallas].
Sys422779_szquest_uncomplete_detailDo you have anything you'd like to say to [113635|Dallas]?