result count: 10

SC_422790I'm all ready to meet those "uninvited guests"!
SC_422790_1It's too dangerous! I think I'll go hide first...
SC_422790_2Show yourselves! This time I've got a friend. I'm not afraid of you!
SC_422790_3Afraid?! Then don't come back!
SC_422790_4Return the sword to us...
Sys422790_nameMysterious Sword
Sys422790_szquest_accept_detailI should have been very happy to get this sword. I also planned to start training again and welcome Buffy home to the glory of defeating the brave [113626|Jaber], but this sword must be very special because every time I wielded it, it attracted "unwelcome guests."\n\nThose "unwelcome guests" kept pestering me to give them the sword or they would harm me. Although they really were scary, when it came to handing over the sword that Buffy gave to me, I just couldn't do it. It happens every day and I'm so scared and worried. I'm going crazy!\n\nWith your help, we can get rid of them so they don't ever dare harass me again!\n\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_04|(Recommended group size: 2)]
Sys422790_szquest_complete_detailThat really was scary...\n\nThose ghosts have been haunting me ever since I brought the sword back. Each time I practice using the sword, I have to fight them, weakening my resolve...
Sys422790_szquest_descGet ready and then talk to [113625|Reisman]. Help him get rid of the "unwelcome guests."\n[SC_QUESTSTRING_04|(Recommended group size: 2)]
Sys422790_szquest_uncomplete_detailLimber up. After you're ready, I'll wield the sword to attract the "unwelcome guests"...