result count: 4

Sys422792_nameCrazy Bulimin
Sys422792_szquest_accept_detailBut I can't return the sword to him now.\n\nWhen you went to the forest to investigate, [113624|Bulimin] came. I don't know what was wrong with him, but as soon as he entered, he started madly attacking me! I didn't even know why he was attacking me! I didn't think that he would actually ignore me and just take the sword without worrying about how it might hurt me! Damn it!\n\nNow I'm sore all over. I can't even go talk to him about it... If you want to help that [113628|William] get the sword back, you can go see [113624|Bulimin] yourself!
Sys422792_szquest_complete_detailWhat? [113625|Reisman] told you I broke into his room, indiscriminately attacked him and stole his sword?\n\nEither [113625|Reisman] is drunk, or he's gone mad...
Sys422792_szquest_descGo see [113624|Bulimin] and ask where the sword is.