result count: 11

SC_422798[113628|William], you okay?
SC_422798_1I just realized I'm useless like this. The sorrow is overwhelming.\n\nThe "Paladin's Sword" belonged to my Master [113629|Androth]. He used it to slay demons everywhere we went. I helped him polish and maintain the sword. The Master appreciated my work. \n\nI was a war orphan. The Master took me in and taught me how to fight, so I could achieve success in the army. But I have failed the Master's trust...
SC_422798_2Why do you say that you have failed the Master's trust?
SC_422798_3I once pledged to follow Master [113629|Androth] all my life, but when he fell out with King Kalume and resigned, I couldn't decide whether to remain in the King's army or follow my Master...\n\nMaster saw my dilemma, but only asked me to stay here and look after the sword. He didn't force me to leave the King's army...but...but....he left alone and ran into some hateful demons who killed him...\n\nI regret not following my Master. I could have carried the sword, and fought side by side with Master. Perhaps I could have saved him...
SC_422798_4It's not your fault, [113628|William]...
SC_422798_5After his death, I remained here to look after the sword. We hoped that the Master's soul might return and collect his beloved sword, but...a demon army attacked us, led by the newly risen Bloodlord. They said that he coveted the sword, so I buried it in the earth.\n\nThe Bloodlord annihilated us, but thankfully the sword was not taken. It was stroke of good luck in the midst of disaster!\n\nSo we stayed here, guarding the sword, waiting for the day the Master will return and collect his sword...
Sys422798_namePaladin's Sword
Sys422798_szquest_accept_detailThat sword is extremely important to me...\n\nI really am useless! I wasn't able to protect my master while I was alive and now I can't even guard a sword...\n\n(As [113628|William] speaks, he suddenly starts to sob!)
Sys422798_szquest_complete_detailMaster, [113628|William] didn't uphold the promise to you... [113628|William] is sorry!\n\n([113628|William] sobs as he speaks!)
Sys422798_szquest_descListen to [113628|William's] story.
Sys422798_szquest_uncomplete_detailMaster's sword... ([113628|William] weeps.)