result count: 22

SC_422837_0Scoundrel. Stay away!
SC_422837_1Hurry up! Let's kill her now!
SC_422837_10Damn! Catch her!
SC_422837_11Damn! She got away again!
SC_422837_12Argh! She's as slippery as an eel!
SC_422837_13Miss, how do you come to be here alone? Not going back to the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]?
SC_422837_14There are some bad guys nearby. They've been staring at me for ages. Could you help me run them off?
SC_422837_15Okay. Let me help you drive them away.
SC_422837_16A concealed killer suddenly appears!
SC_422837_2Why do those people want to hurt you?
SC_422837_3Thanks for helping me kill those bad guys just now... I can't say too much, for your own safety. I can just tell you a little.\n\nI'm leaving the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] because I've discovered a secret that no one can know. I've been attacked numerous times. It's not right, having to run away like this. I grew up in the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower]. My beloved home is in crisis... Boo hoo hoo...
SC_422837_4Maybe I can help you...
SC_422837_5You're very kind, but if you were to get hurt I couldn't live with myself. Forgive me, but I cannot accept your help.\nBesides, I'm doing very well. This new kind of life is very interesting!
SC_422837_6But what if someone else attacks you? It's too dangerous.
SC_422837_7If I can't beat them I can run. Besides, I have the transport crystal that Master [113946|Hermit] gave me, which can transport me to his side whenever I want. Oh yeah. If anyone at the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] asks about me, please don't tell them that you've seen me.
SC_422837_8If things go pear-shaped, I'll lead people away and then come back and find you.
SC_422837_9Stupid ass! If you want me, you have to catch me first!!
Sys422837_nameFallen Elf Girl
Sys422837_szquest_accept_detailGo away, go away you bad man!\n\n([113944|Kalen] picks up a fruit and throws it at you.)\n\n\nYou, you aren't one of them... Sorry, sorry! You were covered in shadows so I couldn't see you clearly. I thought you were one of those people that want to hurt me. Sorry, I'm too rash. Are you OK?\n\n([113944|Kalen] comes close to you and speaks softly.)\n\n\nI want to ask you to help me with something, but before I ask, how about you and I beat up the bad guys that are hiding nearby? They've been staring at me for days.
Sys422837_szquest_complete_detailIf you don't mind, please accept these [206363|Wild Bittersweet Taro] roots as a thank you gift. They're not worth any money. They're just wild vegetables that were dug up nearby. They're great when boiled, really fragrant and sweet.
Sys422837_szquest_descHelp [113944|Kalen] beat away the murderers then talk to her.
Sys422837_szquest_uncomplete_detailDoes it hurt where you were hit? I'll give you a massage.