result count: 5

Sys422839_nameReturning the Book
Sys422839_szquest_accept_detailThe balm is finished. As a Fendt, I'm confident that my workmanship won't shame the Fendt name that has been passed on for hundreds of years.\n\nOK, you take good care of this [206383|Ancient Elven Book] and the balm. Don't lose them.\n\nBy the way, you adventurers sure can move about. You run all around and don't even pant. Only with a healthy physique like this can you lead such a thrilling life!
Sys422839_szquest_complete_detailThank you for taking the time to bring this ancient book back. \nAnd the [206365|Fendt Balm]. Those Eye of Wisdom people sure are diligent.
Sys422839_szquest_descTake the [206383|Ancient Elven Book] and [206365|Fendt Balm] to the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower] and give them to the Elven elder, [113274|Arlofled].
Sys422839_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Naga arrogance will soon be extinguished!