result count: 21

SC_422840_0Good Elf [113282|Mynarvis], since the humans opened the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier], the spirit powers have become confused...
SC_422840_1It's crazy! [113301|Barrack] isn't around, everything's gone to the dogs! The elements don't know whether they're coming or going... Merciful Mother Earth is enraged!
SC_422840_10Shamans, please be quiet! Quiet!
SC_422840_11How can good Elf [113282|Mynarvis] hear what we're saying with you making so much noise?
SC_422840_12I remember now. This adventurer took [113301|Barrack]!
SC_422840_13We shouldn't have let [113301|Barrack] be taken.
SC_422840_14How can [113301|Barrack] identify this adventurer?
SC_422840_15Hey hey...guys. Heaven wills it. Don't point the finger at others.
SC_422840_2We're doomed! Doomed I say! One minute the village totem pole is covered in flames, the next it's spurting water... Has the mighty Wind God forsaken us?
SC_422840_3It's hopeless! Hopeless I tell you! Just lighting a fire for cooking is almost impossible these days... The power of the mighty Fire Spirit has never been so weak!
SC_422840_4Terrible! Just terrible! The spirit powers are in chaos and erupting in all four villages... If this keeps up, I can't imagine what will happen next!
SC_422840_5It's all because [113301|Barrack] was taken by the humans! Mother Earth! Be still!
SC_422840_6Humans defiling the [113301|Barrack] has brought catastrophe upon us! The Bodos are done for!
SC_422840_7NOOOO! The [113301|Barrack] is finished, the Bodos are finished... The end of days is nigh!
SC_422840_8We're doomed! Doooooooomed!!!
SC_422840_9(Sobs)... The sky is falling on our heads!!!
Sys422840_nameA Lady's Concern
Sys422840_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], [113282|Mynarvis] said that if you come to the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower], please stop by and see her. She's been thinking about you.\n\nOh, and please bring some balm to [113282|Mynarvis] for me. My clan loves that lady like a mother. I think she'll like this balm.
Sys422840_szquest_complete_detailThank you for the balm, child. I feel at ease now that I've seen that you are well.\n\nUnfortunately the Bodo shaman has come to visit so I can't give you my full attention.
Sys422840_szquest_descTake the [206365|Fendt Balm] to [113282|Mynarvis].
Sys422840_szquest_uncomplete_detailChild, be careful while you are out adventuring.