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Sys422897_nameKing's Return
Sys422897_szquest_accept_detailThat Elf [114101|Hermit] did this. He...probably isn't just an ordinary Elf, especially... around the [206389|Stone of Nature]...this is the King's essence.\n\nAs you've been working together with him, have you also felt that he isn't ordinary?\n\nWhen [113274|Arlofled] first told me about the [114101|Hermit], I didn't ask many questions. Perhaps he knew of the [114101|Hermit's] true identity, if [114101|Hermit] really is who I think he is...but, how could it be...\n\nChild, forgive my lack of composure. Please go ask [113274|Arlofled] about the [114101|Hermit] for me. I need some clues to prove my theory. Also, please tell him we have control of the [206389|Stone of Nature].
Sys422897_szquest_complete_detailChild... Do you know?\n\nElves that have used up the power of nature usually leave the world to return to eternity, but the king of the Elves [112853|Antaikolon] can awaken after a thousand years of sleep. Such plentiful power of nature has been very rare for the past thousand years.
Sys422897_szquest_descAsk [113274|Arlofled] about the [114101|Hermit's] identity for [113282|Mynarvis] and tell him about the [206389|Stone of Nature].
Sys422897_szquest_uncomplete_detail[206389|Stone of Nature] conceals the aura of the king. The [114101|Hermit's] identity is...

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