result count: 5

Sys423068_nameInvitation Courier
Sys423068_szquest_accept_detailHey! Adventurer! If you're not hitting the road again immediately, stay here for a moment!\n\nHere's how it is. Just when we thought all the preparations for the Masked Ball had been completed, we find these five un-mailed invitations on the table. If these aren't sent out right away, there's no way that tonight's party can proceed smoothly. Can you help me out by taking these [<S>203865|Party Invitations] and delivering them to their rightful recipients?\n\nThe first one is for <CN>[112314|Danielle Sladen]</CN> in <CP>[ZONE_VARANAS EAST WING|Lower City East] in [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas]</CP>. The second one is for <CN>[112315|Sarfan Lorjam]</CN> in <CP>[ZONE_HELEN_FARM|Helen's Farm] at [ZONE_WAILING MOUNTAINS|Howling Mountains]</CP>. The third one is for <CN>[112316|Corea Woods]</CN>, under the tree near <CP>[ZONE_HINTERVALE|Pioneers Colony] at [ZONE_WAILING MOUNTAINS|Howling Mountains]</CP>. The fourth one is for <CN>[112317|Jander Forachi]</CS> in <CP>the [ZONE_POIDAN CARAVAN|Vender Caravan] at [ZONE_SILVERSPRING|Silverspring].</CP>. And the final one is for <CN>[112318|Muse Fita]</CN> near the entrance to <CP>the [ZONE_THE FORLORN MONASTARY|Forsaken Abbey] at [ZONE_SILVERSPRING|Silverspring]</CP>\n\nI now hand this matter over to you. Also, since time is tight, please be sure to deliver them as fast as possible!
Sys423068_szquest_complete_detailWithout your help, there's no way tonight's party would have been a success. We hope that you will come out and enjoy the revelry with us.
Sys423068_szquest_descHelp [112312|Rain Nahills] deliver these 5 [<S>203865|Party Invitations] to their recipients.
Sys423068_szquest_uncomplete_detailHurry or you'll miss the party! Get these [<S>203865|Party Invitations] delivered as quickly as possible.